Perancangan Model Integrasi Manajemen Kebijakan Outsourcing dalam Perspektif Hubungan Industrial


  • Eriyatno Eriyatno
  • Bomer Pasaribu
  • Agus Maulana



Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang model integrasi manajemen kebijakan outsourcing dalam perspektif hubungan industrial untuk menciptakan harmonisasi aspek sosial budaya, ekonomi, dan hukum. Implementasi model ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan pekerja, keuntungan bagi perkembangan industri, dan memberikan manfaat bagi pemerintah. Penelitian ini diawali dengan observasi untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi empiris praktik outsourcing dari perspektif industri, pemerintah, dan serikat pekerja. Hasil identifikasi masalah dianalisis untuk merancang model integrasi manajemen kebijakan outsourcing untuk mencapai hubungan industrial yang harmonis. Metode yang digunakan adalah Soft System Methodology (SSM). Data dikumpulkan melalui Fokus Group Discussion (FGD), In Depth Interview (IDI) dan survei pakar. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis CATWOE (Customer, Actor, Transformation, World view, Owner, Environment constraint),Business Process Management (BPM), Analytical Network Process (ANP), Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST). Model dirancang melalui SSM Learning Model yang bertujuan untuk merancang Purposeful Activity Models (PAM). Model Integrasi Manajemen Kebijakan Outsourcing sebagai sistem manajemen outsourcing terpadu yang melibatkan stakeholder dalam perencanaan, yaitu pengawasan, pembinaan dan penindakan untuk minimalisasi konflik. Implikasi model adalah penguatan Trilogi Hubungan Industrial, yaitu kesejahteraan pekerja, keamanan dan keberlanjutan untuk perusahaan serta iklim yang kondusif dan pendapatan bagi pemerintah.

Kata kunci: Hubungan Industrial, Outsourcing, Soft Systems Methodology, ANP, Trilogi Hhubungan Industrial


Abstract. This research objective is to design an outsourcing policy management integration model in industrial relation perspective in order to harmonize social, cultural, economic and legal aspects. The model is expected to improve welfare for workers, profit for industrial development, and provide benefit for the government.This research was initiated by field observation to analyze empirical condition on current outsourcing practices from the view of industries, government, and the workforce themselves along with their labor union. The result of problem identification was then analyzed to obtain outsourcing policy management integration model in order to build harmonious industrial relation. The method used was Soft System Methodology (SSM). Data were collected through FGD, IDI, and expert survey. Technique analysis was conducted through analysis CATWOE (Customer, Actor, Transformation, World-view, Owner, Environment constraint ), Analytical Network Process (ANP), Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST), through SSM Learning Models aiming to design Purposeful Activity Models (PAM). The Integration Management of Outsourcing Policy Model to perfom comprehensive management outsourcing system involving stakeholders in planning, supervision, guidance and enforcement to minimize conflict. The implication of modeling result is strong industrial relation trilogy; namely welfare for workers, security and sustainability for companies, conducive climate and benefits for the government.

Keywords: Industrial Relations, Outsourcing, Soft Systems Methodology, ANP, Trilogy Industrial Relation


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How to Cite

Riyanto, A., Eriyatno, E., Pasaribu, B., & Maulana, A. (2014). Perancangan Model Integrasi Manajemen Kebijakan Outsourcing dalam Perspektif Hubungan Industrial. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 13(1), 101–116.


