Examining the Technical Issues in Teletherapy for Children with Developmental Delays


  • Debraldi Resandono School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Mursyid Hasan Basri School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung




Children, digitization, technical issues, teletherapy, therapists


Abstract. Medical digitization has advanced in developing countries, improving work efficiency. Teletherapy has emerged from this advancement. Nevertheless, teletherapy has encountered obstacles, such as software and hardware issues. Problems arose from technological factors such as slow connectivity, inadequate hardware specs, and poor audiovisual. This study aims to examine the technical issues related to teletherapy for children with developmental delays. By implementing descriptive statistical approaches with 43 participants, we found that patients struggled to be involved in teletherapy, resulting in the need for special guidance in the process. Therapists felt their clients' places were extremely crowded, and the low video quality of their devices hampered their ability to conduct optimal observations. Patients had a higher level of satisfaction and interest than therapists, meaning the patients would likely continue to be involved in the future. We also came up with another finding indicating that confidentiality has not become a major concern since building an intimate therapeutic relationship and learning to operate technology are still top priorities. Henceforth, implementing teletherapy would need a solid strategy in the future.

Keywords: Children, digitization, technical issues, teletherapy, therapists

Abstrak. Digitalisasi kesehatan mengalami kemajuan di negara-negara berkembang, sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi kerja. Teleterapi muncul dari kemajuan ini. Meski demikian, teleterapi memiliki berbagai kendala, seperti masalah perangkat lunak dan keras. Masalah muncul dari faktor teknologi seperti konektivitas lambat, spesifikasi perangkat keras yang tidak memadai, dan audiovisual yang buruk. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji permasalahan teknis terkait teleterapi untuk anak-anak dengan keterlambatan perkembangan. Dengan menerapkan pendekatan statistik deskriptif terhadap 43 partisipan, kami menemukan bahwa pasien kesulitan untuk terlibat dalam teleterapi, sehingga memerlukan bimbingan khusus dalam prosesnya. Terapis merasa tempat klien mereka sangat ramai, dan kualitas video yang rendah pada perangkat mereka menghambat kemampuan mereka untuk melakukan observasi yang optimal. Para pasien memiliki tingkat kepuasan dan minat yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan para terapis, di mana para pasien kemungkinan besar akan terus terlibat di masa mendatang. Kami juga menemukan temuan lain yang menunjukkan bahwa kerahasiaan belum menjadi perhatian utama karena membangun hubungan terapeutik yang intim dan belajar mengoperasikan teknologi masih menjadi prioritas utama. Untuk selanjutnya, penerapan teleterapi akan memerlukan strategi yang solid ke depannya.

Kata kunci: Anak-anak, digitalisasi, permasalahan teknis, teleterapi, terapis


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Author Biography

Mursyid Hasan Basri, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Associate Professor
Operation and Performance Management Interest Group
Assistant Professor



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How to Cite

Resandono, D., & Basri, M. H. (2023). Examining the Technical Issues in Teletherapy for Children with Developmental Delays. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 22(3), 229–250. https://doi.org/10.12695/jmt.2023.22.3.2




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