Published: May 7, 2019

Influencing Variables Towards the Intention to Purchase (ITP) and Their Research Gaps

1-14 Rohana Binti Yaacob, Mas Bambang Baroto

Travel Experience on Travel Satisfaction and Loyalty of BRT Public Transportation

15-30 Liza Agustina Maureen Nelloh, Sri Handayani Handayani, Mulyadi Wiguna Slamet, Adhi Setyo Santoso

Perceived Benefit, Environmental Concern and Sustainable Customer Behavior on Technology Adoption

31-47 Ardiwansyah Nanggong, Rahmatia Rahmatia

Designing Strategies using IFE, EFE, IE, and QSPM analysis: Digital Village Case

48-57 Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Grisna Anggadwita, Mochammad Raynaldi, Santi Novani, Kyoichi Kijima

Acquisition of Technological Capability by Firms in the Aerospace Cluster of Bengaluru

58-69 Sharath Chandra N, N V Raghavendra, G L Shekar, P. Mueen Ahamadulla Khan

Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing Intention of Expert in Group of Faculty Member Telkom Corporate University

70-85 Rezka Andria Tirana, Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja