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Abstract. E-government continues to gather research momentum from academics of diverse theoretical and practical orientations to signify the enduring significance of the concept, especially from the standpoint of digital service delivery in much of the developing world. A platformisation perspective driven by digital service delivery is teased out to make a case for this study. Dwelling on the fundamental assumptions of a positivistic research philosophy with the UTAUT epistemological model as the guiding frame to solicit responses of students in an online environment, the study employs quantitative techniques to analyse eight hypothetical scenarios. Findings suggest trust in e-government, Internet trust, social influence and performance expectancy are some of the strong predictors of intention to use e-government services. The study discusses the revelation that citizens are particularly influenced by peer pressure in their intention to use public digital services.  Theoretical implications and empirical lessons of the factors that should be of significant consideration to system designers and policy makers in e-government practice have been accounted for. Future research can take the direction of qualitative efforts to bring out the underlying rationale and tensions connected with digital service acceptance in e-government practice.


Keywords: Digital Service, E-government, Emerging Economies, Platformisation, Trust


Digital Service E-government Emerging Economies Platformisation Trust

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Author Biographies

Kofi Agyenim Boateng, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Kofi A. Boateng is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems at KNUST. He has BA (Hons) Publishing Studies from KNUST. His MSc in Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems and PhD in Information Systems degrees were obtained from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 2005 and 2010 respectively. His current research engagements include platform technologies, digital transformation, ICT-mediated interactions, and digital innovation. His publications have appeared in journals such as Communications of the IIMA and Information Knowledge Systems Management. He provides scholarly reviews for prominent conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) as well as the African Conference on Information Systems and Technology (ACIST). Presently he serves as a panel member for Information Systems on the National Accreditation Board in Ghana. He also serves as an external examiner for Information Systems programmes at GIMPA, UNISA, and Tshwane University of Technology.

Rosemary Boateng-Coffie, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Dr. Mrs. Rosemary Boateng Coffie, who holds a Dip. Ed.(Management) (UCC), B.Ed. (Management)(UCC)) M.Ed. (Int. Mgt. and Policy) (UoB, UK) PGD (HRM) (WCC, UK) PhD (Management)(KNUST), is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Human Resource and Organizational Development at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. She is also a member of the Institute of Human Resource Management Practitioners (Ghana). Since 2006 she has been engaged in teaching and research work in the area of Management and Human Resource Management. Her research interests are in the area of:

  • Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Information Systems and HRM
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Organizational Climate
  • Institutional and Societal Coping
How to Cite
Boateng, K. A., Boateng-Coffie, R., & Darko, P. (2023). Trust in E-government Practices: A Platform Perspective of a Postal Service Organisation. The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM), 15(3), 235–255.


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