The Financial Literacy In The Adoption Of Digital Financial Services Among Young Adults In Bandung: Evidence From Young Adults Using E-Wallet And Pay Later


  • Arikko Fauzan Hertianto
  • Achmad Herlanto Anggono


The topic of financial literacy within the adoption of digital financial services in Indonesia has been slowly brought up by researchers to find how much knowledge the average Indonesian has. This may branch into many other topics such as using online loans and investing in platforms. The purpose of this research is to find whether young adults in Indonesia are prepared on using digital payments and whether they are responsible towards their financial decision making in their daily life within digital payments. This study uses the first UTAUT framework proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2003) to find whether they are ready to adopt digital payments in this day and age. There are several variables that are independent which are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Moreover, the dependent variables are behavioral intention, financial literacy, and use behavior. Financial literacy is represented as a dependent variable as it depends on the behavioral intention which shows the intention of the user to actually utilize the service. The methodology of this study is a structured interview using questionnaires for 200 respondents which is quantitative. Then the data is processed using PLS-SEM. This research has indicated that the variables are significant, however there are two hypotheses that are rejected as they are expected to be not significant. The variables are significant to each other. This shows that financial literacy has an impact towards the adoption of digital payments.


Keywords: Financial literacy, Digital Financial Services, E-wallet, Young Adults





