The Influence Of Behavioral Finance Towards Fintech Adoption On Small Medium Enterprises With The Case Study On Banjarmasin And Banjarbaru
The majority of the work force in Indonesia is employed by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), which dominate the business landscape in Indonesia. Considering their enormous impact on the economy, SMEs face obstacles that inhibit their expansion. There are lot of barriers for SME to grow, both internally and externally. Lack of financial knowledge, lack of fincancial support, lack of consultant support, and others obstacles hinders SMEs growth and its enormous potential. One of the government's solutions is creating numerous initiatives to promote the development of SMEs by enhancing their financial behavior and financial inclusion through the use of technology. Previous studies found that there are several factors that can affect someone's intention to use mobile payment apps and the connection between behavioral finance and financial inclusion. A quantitative approach that included 164 respondents was conducted using convenience sampling technique and was analyzed by PLS-SEM. To conclude, this research in Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru cities found that stress and perceived ease of use positively affect perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness, innovativeness and perceived trust, subjective normsinfluence intention to use. Intention to use has an impact on behavioral finance. Meanwhile, behavioral finance is not affecting financial inclusion.
Behavioral Finance, Financial Inclusion, Intention to Use to fintech
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Financial Inclusion, Intention to Use to fintech