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Abstract. Cultural representations play an important role in tourism marketing. However, it is argued that the representation of Sundanese tradition and culture in the tourism marketing of Bandung is often overshadowed by the modern representation of the city. This paper explores the representation of Sundanese culture on the pictorial elements of the websites that promote Bandung tourism. This study used visual content analysis and semiotic analysis of the representations of Sundanese culture in Bandung promotional websites through pictorial data collections and coding of 83 websites and a total of 658 images. The results indicate that Sundanese traditional food dominates the representation of Sundanese culture in Bandung tourism marketing. Furthermore, this study suggests that Sundanese culture represents closeness to nature, harmony, warmth, egalitarianism, and togetherness. Implications to practice along with recommendations for future research are provided.


Keywords: Cultural representation, visual content analysis, semiotic analysis, sundanese culture, pictorial destination image


cultural representation visual content analysis semiotic analysis Sundanese culture pictorial destination image

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How to Cite
Zaim, I. A., Koesoemadinata, M. I. P., & Sari, S. A. (2023). Sundanese Culture Representation in Tourism Marketing: A Visual Content and Semiotic Analysis of Website Pictorial Element. The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM), 15(3), 224–234.


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