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Abstract. Cooperation between R & D institutions/universities and industry has been carried out a lot. Most of these partnerships have not produced a significant economic impact, as part of fostering national innovation. What is the cause of the unsuccessful cooperation? There are various studies on these failures, including those caused by: unclear reasons for cooperating, improper forms of cooperation, and not yet growing trust between them. This paper discusses research collaboration by paying attention to these three aspects. In addition, it is accompanied by policy implications to improve it. The research used qualitative descriptive analysis with data based on the results of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Research and Technology. The results of the analysis show that: (a) the reason there are still few industries that collaborate with R & D institutions and universities, is because the quality of technology produced by these institutions has not been proven; (a) the form of multi-stakeholder cooperation, involving other than industry and R&D institutions and universities, as well as other parties such as the government, is a form of good cooperation; (c) the industry trusts the performance of imported technology more than the domestic technology. The recommended policies include: (a) improving the quality of human resources, facilities, and infrastructure, as well as publishing research results from R & D institutions and universities in the media or forums, where industry is heavily involved; (b) the government acts as a regulator and facilitator in cooperation between industry and R&D institutions through various policy instruments; (c) technologies produced by R&D institutions and universities whose performance has been technically proven (TRL 6), need serious support.

Keywords: Innovation, research cooperation, industry, R&D institutions, universities, trust, multi-stakeholders, policy


industry multi-stakeholder policy research collaboration R&D institutions universities

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Author Biography

Erry Ricardo Nurzal, Directorate of Research, Technology and Innovation Policy Formulation - BRIN

Direktorat Perumusan Kebijakan Riset, Teknologi dan Inovasi, BRIN
How to Cite
Nurzal, E. R., & Rosadi, A. H. Y. (2023). Research Cooperation Between Industry and Research and Development Institutions-Universities in Indonesia with Policy Implications. The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM), 15(3), 210–223.


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