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Agile product development principles emphasize user collaboration and continuous improvement. It sometimes bothers users if they have less time, commitment and knowledge to become involved in the lengthy process of product development. Giving online feedback could be another way of contributing to product improvement. However, not all users are willing to leave reviews on online platforms. This study attempts to uncover the factors behind user feedback intention and the relationship between user roles in an agile approach. The questionnaire was completed by 113 respondents from all over Indonesia who have knowledge and experience in using digital products. The data was processed further by applying the PLS-SEM technique using the SmartPLS 3 application. The proposed model supported the positive influence of product perception on user satisfaction, and user satisfaction’s positive impact on feedback intention. Product perception is the first-order construct of attitude and perceived usefulness; meanwhile, perceived quality is influenced by product perception. This study's theoretical contribution sheds light on the relationship between user satisfaction, perception and feedback intention. Moreover, it provides practitioners practical implications towards understanding how to gather user feedback to support the initial idea in product improvement using an agile approach.


Agile product development digital start-ups feedback intention product perception user satisfaction.

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Author Biographies

Retna Ayu Mustikarini Kencanasari, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) majoring Information System and Technology, Retna currently pursues master’s degree of Science in Management at School of Business and Management ITB. Her experiences of working in digital startups, mostly in product management field, support her interests of conducting research using digital startups as her object of analysis.

Wawan Dhewanto, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Wawan is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Technology Management at School of Business and Management ITB. He has published several academic studies related to Small and Medium Business and Entrepreneurship field.

Sonny Rustiadi, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Sonny has been a lecturer in School of Business and Management ITB for more than 10 years. Earned his PhD in Goldsmith University of London, United Kingdom, his research interests are Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

How to Cite
Kencanasari, R. A. M., Dhewanto, W., & Rustiadi, S. (2021). Digital Product Perception and User Satisfaction Relationship: Can They Create Feedback Intention?. The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM), 14(2), 109–127.


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