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Abstract. This study investigates the employee perceptions of organizational environmental initiatives and their impact on pro-pro-environmental behaviors and frequency of involvement in upstream oil and gas companies in Malaysia, such as the Production Arrangement Contractor and Service Provider Company. The study also examines a new area where environmental work culture acts as a moderator. Analyzed using SmartPLS, our findings demonstrate that supervisory support for environmental initiatives and environmental training has a positive effect on employee perception of organizational support for pro-pro-environmental behaviors. In contrast, the organization's rewards for pro-environmental behaviors do not have a significant impact on it. Following this, the employees' perceptions of organizational support for pro-environmental behaviors positively affect employee engagement in pro-environmental behaviors in both forms of employees' frequency of involvement and employees' innovative pro-environmental behaviors. The findings discovered that environmental work culture moderates the relationship of the effect of the organization's support practices on employee perception of organizational support for pro-environmental behaviors. This study is one of the first attempts to investigate the relationship between the pro-environmental behaviors within the upstream firms in the oil and gas industry. The findings are useful for practitioners in terms of exerting pro-environmental behaviors and facilitating employees' pro-environmental behaviors in the upstream oil and gas management sector.      

Keywords:  Employee perceptions, pro-environmental behaviors, organizational support, work culture


Environmental behaviours Employee perceptions Organizational support Supply chain management Supervisory support Work culture

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Author Biography

Suhaiza Zailani, Department of Operation and Management Information System, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya

Department of Operation and Management Information System, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya


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How to Cite
Amin, I., Zailani, S., & Rahman, M. K. (2020). Pro-Environmental Behaviours among Frontliner Employees in Oil and Gas Industry: Does Environmental Work Culture Really Matters?. The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM), 13(2), 173–189.


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