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Abstract. In the organizational context, innovation capabilities is influenced by knowledge management process. To improve the performance of innovation capabilities, further identification on most influential factors in implementing knowledge management is needed, referred to knowledge management enablers (KME). This study aims to determine the specific factors of KME dimensions affecting innovation capabilities in R&D organization. Furthermore, this study also focuses on the strength and direction of the correlation between KME dimensions of personal, organizational, and technology to innovation capability. Quantitative research approach was conducted and data were taken from 134 respondents of employees/researchers at research centers/units in a public R&D organization. The results show that personal dimension (interpersonal trust and learning motivation) becomes the most significant factor affecting innovation capability in the R&D organization, followed by technological dimension (ICT use,) with a correlation value of 0.44 (? <0.05) and 0.36 (? <0.05) respectively. The results of this study recommend that the governance of knowledge management process in R&D organization should be put mainly on personal dimension as a major driver of innovation.
Keywords: Innovation capability, knowledge management enabler (KME), R&D organization
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Al-Hakim, L. A. Y., & Hassan, S. (2011). The role of middle managers in knowledge management implementation for innovation enhancement. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2(1), 86–94.
Ardichvili, A., Maurer, M., Li, W., Wentling, T., & Stuedemann, R. (2006). Cultural influences on knowledge sharing through online communities of practice. Journal of knowledge management, 10(1), 94–103.
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Arnzten, A. B., & Voransachai, L. (2008). Aligning knowledge process and innovation management capability in a global business. Communication of the IBIMA, 6, 130–135.
Asim, Z., & Sorooshian, S. (2019). Exploring the Role of Knowledge, Innovation and Technology Management (KNIT) Capabilities that Influence Research and Development. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 5(2), 2.
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Bari, M. W., Fanchen, M., & Baloch, M. A. (2016). The relationship between knowledge management practices, innovativeness and organizational performance (A case from software industry). Science International (Lahore). 28(1), 463–475.
Baskaran, S. (2018). Mediation effect of knowledge management enablers on the relationship between organizational characteristics and entrepreneurial orientation. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 20(1), 1.–32.
Connelly, C. E., & Kelloway, E. K. (2003). Predictors of employees’ perceptions of knowledge sharing cultures. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 24 (5), 294-301.
Damanpour, F. (1996). Organizational complexity and innovation: developing and testing multiple contingency models. Management science, 42(5), 693-716.
Ensign, P., & Hebert, L. (2010). How reputation affects knowledge sharing among colleagues. MIT Sloan Management Review, 51(2), 79–82.
Esterhuizen, D., Du Toit, A., & Schutte, C. (2012). A knowledge management framework to grow innovation capability maturity. South African Journal of Information Management, 14(1), 1-10.
Glynn, M. A. (1996). Innovative genius: A framework for relating individual and organizational intelligences to innovation. Academy of management review, 21(4), 1081-1111.
Gor, K., Mummassabba, J., & Muturi, S. (2015). Evidencing enablers of innovation capabilities and their effects on organizational performance. Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2(2), 2183-2196.
Gravetter, F. J., & Forzano, L. B. (2009). Research method for the behavioral science. 3rd ed. California: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Ho, C. F., Hsieh, P. H., & Hung, W. H. (2014). Enablers and processes for effective knowledge management. Industrial Management & Data Systems., 114(5), 734–754.
Hogan, S. J., Soutar, G. N., McColl-Kennedy, J. R., & Sweeney, J. C. (2011). Reconceptualizing professional service firm innovation capability: Scale development. Industrial marketing management, 40(8), 1264-1273.
Holste, J. S., & Fields, D. (2010). Trust and tacit knowledge sharing and use. Journal of knowledge management, 14(1), 128–140.
Iddris, F. (2016). Innovation capability: A systematic review and research agenda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 11, 235-260.
Iqbal, M. J., Rasli, A., Heng, L. H., Ali, M. B. B., Hassan, I., & Jolaee, A. (2011). Academic staff knowledge sharing intentions and university innovation capability. African Journal of Business Management, 5(27), 11051-11059.
Johnsson, M. (2017). Innovation enablers for innovation Teams-A review. Journal of Innovation Management, 5(3), 75-121.
Kang, Y. J., Kim, S. E., & Chang, G. W. (2008). The impact of knowledge sharing on work performance: An empirical analysis of the public employees' perceptions in South Korea. Intl Journal of Public Administration, 31(14), 1548-1568.
Kaur, S., & Suri, G. (2014). Knowledge Management Practices in Research and Development (R & D) Organizations. Gian Jyoti E-Journal, 4(1), 76-88.
Krogh, G. V. (2003). Understanding the problem of knowledge sharing. International journal of information technology and management, 2(3), 173-183.
Lawson, B., & Samson, D. (2001). Developing innovation capability in organisations: a dynamic capabilities approach. International journal of innovation management, 5(03), 377-400.
Liao, C., Wang, H. Y., Chuang, S. H., Shih, M. L., & Liu, C. C. (2010). Enhancing knowledge management for RD innovation and firm performance: An integrative view. African Journal of Business Management, 4(14), 3026-3038.
Liao, S., Wu, C., Hu, D., & Tsuei, G. (2009). Knowledge acquisition, absorptive capacity, and innovation capability: An empirical study of Taiwan’s knowledge-intensive industries. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Open Science Index 29, International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 3(5), 338–345.
Lin, H.-F. (2007). Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: An empirical study. International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), 315–332.
Lin, H. F., & Lee, G. G. (2006). Effects of socio‐technical factors on organizational intention to encourage knowledge sharing. Management decision., 44(1), 74–88.
Maccoby, M. (2003). To build trust, ethics are not enough. Research technology management, 46(5), 59–60.
Mehrabani, S. E., & Shajari, M. (2012). Knowledge management and innovation capacity. Management Research, 4(2), 164.–177.
Nonaka & Takeuchi. (1995). The knowledge-creating company. How Japanese companies create the dynamic of innovation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Priyatno, D. (2009). SPSS untuk analisis korelasi, regresi dan multivariat [SPSS for correlation, regression and multivariate analysis]. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Gaya Media.
Pusat Inovasi LIPI. (2013). Laporan akuntabilitas kinerja pemerintah (LAKIP) Pusat Inovasi 2012 [Government Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) Innovation Center 2012]. Jakarta, Pusat Inovasi LIPI.
Rahmani, Z., & Mousavi, S. A. (2011). Enhancing the innovation capability in the organization: A conceptual framework. In 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology, IPEDR, 13, 285-291.
Santoso, S. (2001). SPSS 10: Mengolah data statistik secara professional [SPSS 10: Process statistical data in a professional manner]. Jakarta: PT Alex Media Komputindo.
Selakjani, S. G. & Kelidbari, H. R. (2016). The impact of knowledge sharing capability on innovation capability with the mediating role of Islamic work ethic among employees of electricity distribution company of Guilan province. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 6, 2145–2154.
Shettar, I. M. (2007). Knowledge management for R& D organizations: A today’s essence. 5th International CALIBER, University Chandigarh. Ahmedabad: Infibnet Centre.
Suh, W., Sohn, J. D., & Kwak, J. Y. (2004). Knowledge management as enabling R&D innovation in high tech industry: the case of SAIT. Journal of knowledge management, 8(6), 5–15.
Tan, C. N. L., & Md. Noor, S. (2013). Knowledge management enablers, knowledge sharing and research collaboration: a study of knowledge management at research universities in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 21(2), 251-276.
Wang, S., & Noe, R. A. (2010). Knowledge sharing: A review and directions for future research. Human resource management review, 20(2), 115-131.
Wenger, E., McDermott, R., & Snyder, W. (2002). Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Whelan, E., Collings, D. G., & Donnellan, B. (2010). Managing talent in knowledge‐intensive settings. Journal of knowledge Management, 14(3), 486–504.
Whelan, E., Teigland, R., Donnellan, B., & Golden, W. (2010). How internet technologies impact information flows in R&D: Reconsidering the technological gatekeeper. R&d Management, 40(4), 400-413..
Wu, W. L., Yeh, R. S., & Huang, C. C. (2007). Fostering knowledge sharing to encourage R&D team learning. In PICMET'07-2007 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology (pp. 1114–1118). IEEE. 5–9 August, Portland, Oregon.
Yeh, Y. J., Lai, S. Q., & Ho, C. T. (2006). Knowledge management enablers: a case study. Industrial Management & Data Systems., 106, 79–810.