Pengembangan Model Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan Sistem E-Government


  • Rajesri Govindaraju Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Iwan Inrawan Wiratmadja Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Avif Haryana Kementrian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia



e-government system evaluation, quality dimensions, electronic-based public services, service performance, importance-performance analysis, partial least square


Abstrak. Di banyak negara, sistem e-goverment telah dibangun untuk mendukung pemerintah dalam memberikan layanannya kepada masyarakat dan industri. Meskipun sistem yang dikembangkan dengan biaya yang besar tersebut telah berhasil dijalankan, tingkat penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem dan tingkat kualitas layanan sistem yang dihasilkan sering kali belum maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model evaluasi sistem layanan e-government. Model evaluasi e-government dikembangkan dengan menggabungkan aspek layanan pemerintah (layanan publik) serta aspek kualitas pelayanan sistem berbasis elektronik.  Model tersebut di uji dengan pendekatan empiris. Kuesioner disebarkan secara online berbasis web dan 88 respon yang dinyatakan valid digunakan sebagai dasar analisis model Analisis validitas dan reliabilitas model pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode partial least square (PLS). Analisis hasil evaluasi dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan metode importance-performance analysis (IPA). Model yang dikembangkan digunakan untuk mengevaluasi sistem layanan e-government Inatrade yang dikembangkan Departemen Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. Hasil uji coba model dan analisis hasil evaluasi user dengan metode IPA menunjukkan bahwa information completeness, fulfillment, responsiveness dan contact merupakan dimensi yang perlu mendapatkan prioritas perbaikan pada sistem Inatrade.

Kata kunci: Evaluasi layanan e-government, dimensi kualitas, layanan publik berbasis elektronik, service performance, importance-performance analysis, partial least square.

Abstract. In many countries, e-government system has been built to support the government in providing services to the community and industry. Although the system had been developed and has been successfully executed, the level of user acceptance and the quality level of service is often not satisfactory. The aim of this study is to develop a model for of e-government system evaluation. E-government evaluation model was developed by combining aspects of government services (public services) as well as aspects of service quality of electronic-based systems. The model was tested using  empirical data. Questionnaires filled online using a web-based application, 108 samples were collected and 88 samples were declared valid to be used for measurement model analysis and e-government system evaluation. Analysis of reliability and validity of the measurement model was conducted using partial least square (PLS) technique. Analysis of the e-government system evaluation results was carried out by utilizing importance-performance analysis (IPA) method. The model developed is used to evaluate an e-government system developed by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, called Inatrade. The results of Inatrade system evaluation using IPA method show that information completeness, fulfillment, responsiveness and contact are the dimensions that need to be given priority in the improvement process of Inatrade system.

Keywords: e-government system evaluation, quality dimensions, electronic-based public services, service performance, importance-performance analysis, partial least square.


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How to Cite

Govindaraju, R., Wiratmadja, I. I., & Haryana, A. (2016). Pengembangan Model Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan Sistem E-Government. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 15(2), 196–205.


