Model Perilaku Keselamatan Kerja Karyawan pada Industri Berisiko Tinggi


  • Usep Firdaus Huda Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Anggraini Sukmawati Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • I Made Sumertajaya Institut Pertanian Bogor



safety climate, safety leadership, safety motivation, safety behaviour, workplace accident


Abstrak. Tingkat kecelakaan kerja di Indonesia masih tinggi dan cenderung meningkat setiap tahunnya. Faktor yang paling dominan sebagai penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan di industri berisiko tinggi adalah rendahnya perilaku keselamatan kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada karyawan Stasiun Pengisian Bulk Elpiji (SPBE) di Wilayah Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model perilaku keselamatan kerja karyawan pada industri berisiko tinggi. Beberapa faktor yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku keselamatan kerja antara lain: gaya kepemimpinan safety, iklim keselamatan kerja, kepuasan kerja, kelelahan, dan motivasi keselamatan kerja. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan SPBE di Wilayah Bogor. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik multy stage cluster random sampling dua tahap. Tahap pertama SPBE dipisahkan berdasarkan cluster lokasinya; Bogor Barat, Bogor Timur, Bogor Utara, dan Bogor Tengah. Tahap kedua karyawan SPBE dipisahkan berdasarkan stratifikasi lingkungan kerja; kantor dan lapangan. Sebanyak 100 kuesioner disebarkan, 92 yang kembali dan 69 yang dianalisis. Data responden dianalisis dengan SEM-PLS menggunakan software smart PLS. Model yang terbangun menggambarkan bahwa kepemimpinan safety dengan gaya participating dan delegating memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap iklim keselamatan kerja dan perilaku patuh terhadap prosedur keselamatan kerja, motivasi keselamtan kerja memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perilaku keselamatan kerja, sedangkan motivasi keselamatan kerja karyawan dipengaruhi oleh iklim keselamatan kerja.

Kata kunci: gaya kepemimpinan safety, iklim keselamatan kerja, kecelakaan kerja, motivasi keselamatan kerja, perilaku keselamatan kerja.

Abstract. Workplace accident rate in Indonesia is still high and likely to increase each year. The most dominant factor which causes accidents to happen in high-risk industries is because of the low behaviour of the workers' safety work. The research was conducted on the employees of LPG Bulk Filling Station (SPBE) in Bogor Region. The aim of this research is conducted to develop a model of the worker's safety behavior on high-risk industries. Some of the factors that have an influence on the safety behavior, among others: safety leadership style, safety climate, job satisfaction, fatigue, and safety motivation. The population of this research is all employees of SPBE ini Bogor region. The samples were taken by using multy stage cluster random sampling technique with two stages. The first stage, SPBE separated by location, and the second, employees is separated by working environment; office and field. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed, of which 92 were returned and 69 were analyzed. Respondent data were analyzed by SEM-PLS using smart PLS software. The resulting model showed that safety leadership by participating and delegating style has a positive effect on safety climate and workers' safety behaviour. Worker's safety motivation has a positive effect on workers' safety behaviour, and worker's safety motivation affected by the safety climate.

Keywords: safety climate, safety leadership, safety motivation, safety behaviour, workplace accident


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Author Biographies

Usep Firdaus Huda, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Usep Firdaus Anwar Huda is a student at the Depertment of Management Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Anggraini Sukmawati, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Anggraini Sukmawati is a lecturer at the Department of Management Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor

I Made Sumertajaya, Institut Pertanian Bogor

I Made Sumertajaya is  a lecturer at the Department of Statistic, Institut Pertanian Bogor


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How to Cite

Huda, U. F., Sukmawati, A., & Sumertajaya, I. M. (2016). Model Perilaku Keselamatan Kerja Karyawan pada Industri Berisiko Tinggi. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 15(1), 51–66.


