Peran Dependency, Commitment, Trust dan Communication terhadap Kolaborasi Rantai Pasok dan Kinerja Perusahaan: Studi Pendahuluan


  • Venska Stefani Krida Wacana Christian University
  • Oki Sunardi Krida Wacana Christian University



Abstrak. Kolaborasi rantai pasok memegang peranan penting dalam efektivitas organisasi. Penelitian pendahuluan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor psikologi sosial yang dapat mempengaruhi hubungan kolaboratif dalam suatu rantai pasok, dalam konteks usaha pengolahan makanan skala menengah. Praktek kolaborasi rantai pasok dan dampak penerapannya terhadap kinerja perusahaan, baik operasional maupun finansial, juga ikut ditelaah. Berdasarkan tujuan ini, 'pendekatan survei dalam studi kasus' digunakan. Data dikumpulkan dari sebuah perusahaan pengolahan makanan skala menengah. Model partial least squares-path modeling diajukan untuk mengkonseptualisasi dan mengukur pengaruh dari ketergantungan, komitmen, kepercayaan dan komunikasi pada kolaborasi rantai pasok. Efek dari kolaborasi rantai pasok pada kinerja perusahaan juga diukur. Dengan menggunakan sudut pandang buyer, hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa komitmen dan kepercayaan berpengaruh positif pada kolaborasi rantai pasok, dan kolaborasi rantai pasok memiliki pengaruh yang berarti pada kinerja perusahaan. Sementara itu, ketergantungan mempengaruhi kolaborasi secara tidak langsung melalui komitmen, dan komunikasi mempengaruhi kolaborasi secara tidak langsung melalui kepercayaan.

Kata kunci: Rantai pasok, Kolaborasi, Manufaktur, Partial least squares, Faktor psikologi sosial

Abstract. Supply Chain Collaboration plays a significant role to the effectiveness of organizations. This preliminary study aims to identify social psychology factors that might influence collaborative relationship within a supply chain network, in the context of medium-sized food manufacturing enterprise. The supply chain collaboration practice and its impact of implementation on firm's performance, both operational and financial, were investigated. Based on this purposes, a survey within a case study approach was conducted. The data were collected from one medium scale food manufacturing enterprise. A partial least squares-path modeling (PLS-PM) was proposed for conceptualizing and measuring the effects of dependence, commitment, trust, and communication on supply chain collaboration. The effect of supply chain collaboration on firm's performance was also measured and quantified. From buyer's perspective, the study reveals that commitment and trust positively affect supply chain collaboration and that supply chain collaboration has a considerable effect on firm's performance. Meanwhile, dependence influences the collaboration indirectly through commitment, while communication influences the collaboration indirectly through trust.

Keywords: Supply chain, Collaboration, Manufacturing, Partial least squares, Social psychology factors


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Author Biographies

Venska Stefani, Krida Wacana Christian University

Department of Industrial Engineering

Oki Sunardi, Krida Wacana Christian University

Department of Industrial Engineering


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How to Cite

Stefani, V., & Sunardi, O. (2014). Peran Dependency, Commitment, Trust dan Communication terhadap Kolaborasi Rantai Pasok dan Kinerja Perusahaan: Studi Pendahuluan. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 13(3), 322–333.


